Now is the best time to look for Chanterelle, especially after allot of rain fall and humidity. You are most likely to come across them in moist coniferous (pine and spruce) or mixed forests. They often grow in moss, but the are so bright they are hard to miss. The Pictures above shows what they look like, i have already found a few and plan to have them with garlic and parsley on a crostini.
WARNING there are some mushrooms you can only eat once, so make sure you show them to some one who knows what they are.
8 Red Peppers diced 3 / 4 Cloves Garlic Chopped 5 leaves of Basil 80 g Butter ½ pt White Wine 1 ½ pt Water Tabasco, Cayenne Seasoning 1. Remove Seeds from Peppers. Chop into a bits making sure they are all approximately the same size. 2. Melt Butter in a pan and add Peppers, Garlic and Basil. Season well 3. Cover with a lid and place on a very low heat. 4. Sweat it down until the peppers have become almost liquid. Make sure to stir frequently to avoid the peppers sticking to the pan 5. Add White Wine and, turning up the heat, reduce until the mixture appears to be quite thick. 6. Add the water, Tabasco and Cayenne and reduce by a 1/3 7. Blend and pass through a fine sieve and check seasoning
This will go very well with Dishes that involve Goats Cheese or a White Fish like Cod
Jean Pierre viewing the works . And making his choices.
Josie Reed making her decision.
The Judges for this year was Jean Pierre Auge from The Beaujolais Restaurant and Josie Reed from The Chapel Row Gallery. At 6:30 the doors opened
The prize giving took place. Above is Mike Harvey getting his certificate and voucher for coming 2nd place.
1st Place Reflections by Ann Trevanion
2nd Place Who drinks but does no drink again by Mike Harvey
3rd Place Young Tastes by Kate Scully
It was an extremely successful evening and the gallery was jam packed with artists and there wonderful entries which all in my opinion deserved an award.
The exhibition will stay at The Chapel Row Gallery until Wednesday the 15th of July. It will then be moved to the Beaujolais where all the pictures will be displayed until the end of August giving every body plenty of time to view and purchase the pieces.
We have had another mention in a newspaper this month this time in the Irish Indepent. You can catch the artcile on there website. Thank You to the Irish Independent for putting us in your newspaper.